Food Snob comes from a passion for exceptional food. It’s a way of life for me as a fourth generation member of our family food business! With my many years in hospitality and food importing, and my husband Mark qualified as a chef, we’re naturally happiest when our home is filled with family and friends enjoying a delicious spread.
The vision of having our own brand was shaped by travelling through Europe together when we were in our early 20s. We were amazed by the variety and abundance of quality platter food.
In 2013, we launched Food Snob because we wanted to give New Zealanders access to reasonably-priced, authentic food. We started with five products and now we have more than double that number of cheese and antipasto offerings. We’re continually working on bringing new products to you, our Food Snob family, who share our belief that ‘good taste is everything’.
Our mission is to help you create memorable meals and unforgettable occasions with Food Snob.
Fiona Prenter